Command Prediction
Livechat Replies
Emotion System
Leveling System
Subscription Services
Commands in this section need the prefix: terraria
mods: shows all active mods on the terraria server
Example: $terraria mods
Rocket League-related:
Commands in this section need the prefix: rl
setRank: set a role with a given rocket league matchmaking rank
Available Parameters:
- a rank as string
- a devision as number
Example: $rl setRank Gold 3
ping: make a ping with process duration in ms
Example: $ping
ask: return a search result from wikipedia with the given paramater
Example: $ask Rainbow
sub2weather: subs to the weather service. you will get a daily notification of the current weather.
Available Parameters:
- location as string
- time Allowed Format: h m
Example : $sub2weather Paris 9h30m
This will set the timer to 9:30 and location to paris.
unsub2weather: remove the current weather subscription
Example: $unsub2weather
currentWeather: show the current weather of given location
Available Parameters:
- location as string
Example: $currentWeather Paris
mute: mute bot. there are no greeting/bye messages anymore
Example: $mute
unmute: unmute bot. you will receive greeting/bye messages again
Example: $unmute
myxp: shows your current level with exp needed to the next level
Example: $myxp